Monday, March 31, 2008

I Got To Work On My Module!

Egads! Time really snuck up on me today, though I kind of expected it to, what with starting a new game (Zelda: Twilight Princess - really been meaning to play this game just because I've heard so little about it, Michael Abbot's "The Brainy Gamer" recent discussions on the Zelda series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) solidified my resolve) and finally getting to work on my module.

I've decided for my module that rather than going through and creating options for every character archetype in each of the dialogues, I would instead have a sort of personality quiz at the start of the module which would determine the "path" that your character will follow. Unfortunately this meant that I had to spend the better part of the day coming up with the questions, coming up with answers, and creating a matrix of all of the possible permutations and deciding what each one should mean.

Still, I finally got to work on my module again!

Additional random link: Study finds that sleep-deprived women are grumpier than similarly deprived men. Personally I wonder whether the women become grumpier from being sleep-deprived, or if they become sleep-deprived because they're grumpy.

P.S. Attended Sakuracon dressed as the Moonlight Knight (roommate went as Tuxedo Mask). I'll post pictures and impressions when I get around to it, which hopefully means this week if homework isn't too demanding and I don't forget.

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