Monday, September 29, 2008

Jumble of Topics

I've decided in my infinite wisdom that I shall no longer be making posts on Sunday, this of course applies retroactively so that I in fact did not forget to post yesterday, but instead carried out my schedule as normal.

Alright, I forgot about Sunday, but I am thinking about abandoning Sunday posts. My mind is just too scattered from the weekend to come up with anything coherent in the twenty-minutes-before-midnight-when-I-happen-to-remember-I-need-to-post-something (ah that was beautifully disgusting).

It seems that I can't avoid talking about the economic crisis that faces us as a nation today, so here's my big thought: When everyone get so fucking stupid?

I wince at typing the swear word, but its impact is necessary to fully convey how I feel about everyone involved in this whole fiasco. What idiot though that lending money to people who can't pay it back was a good idea? What morons thought that the idiot was onto something good? What retard didn't tell the morons that they were doing something incredibly foolish? What dunce forgot to look at what these companies were doing and step in?

I have slight compassion for those who actually took out these loans, but only because of their lack of income, though if they weren't dumbasses they would realize that they're taking out money that they couldn't possibly pay back, often for things they knew that they couldn't afford when there were more reasonable alternatives. Yes I know that this is a huge generalization on my part, and that this was not the case everywhere, but I've seen enough people living well beyond their means that I'm going to generalize like this.

Hell. I'm living beyond my means.

I have no source of income and am laden with more student debt than I would ever care to know. All this and I live in an apartment off campus that's costing me a good deal more than if I had stayed in the dorms.

I, however, have parents who are willing to back me financially throughout my undergraduate studies, and for their generosity (well beyond clothing, feeding, and raising me) I will be eternally grateful. I fully intend to spend the rest of my life paying my parents back for all that they have given me, and I know that I will never be able to pay back even a third of what they have given me.

People of The United States of America, you can live without a car, you can share a single room apartment amongst a family of four, you can live without a T.V., you don't even need a computer. Look at where you are, what you can afford and learn to get by with as little as you can, so that in the future you can have all of the things that you thought you needed.

Just, please, everyone stop saying that it's the end of the world, because every time you do say so, the end takes another step closer.

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