Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Statement

Yes there was no post on Thursday. No I didn't forget about it.

The reason there was no post on Thursday is three short words, "Old Man's War." Specifically I am referencing, John Scalzi's book, Old Man's War.

I don't go out and buy very many science-fiction novels, usually because they aren't worth the ink on the page, so my not catching onto this work for 3 years doesn't come as a surprise. What does come as a surprise is that I haven't yet purchased any more of Scalzi's books. Old Man's War was one of the best science-fiction novels I have read in years. The story and setting feels very much like "old-sci-fi", like the science-fiction novels I found while cleaning out my grandmother's house, but the clear and inventive writing turns this possible (I actually like many of those old sci-fi novels) con into a very positive pro. To top the cherry on the cake, it goes really well with the space stage in Spore, so I happened to read it at just the right time.

Go out and buy it, read it, it only takes a day if you put everything besides homework and classes off.

I'm not joking, go get it.


Anonymous said...

Cool...real scifi ROCKS. Love that you got into Spore.


Armand said...

I feel the need to ask this, since no one else has so far: Why exactly is it that they 'aren't worth the ink on the page'..?

Give specific examples when you make a generalization like that.

Cory said...

What I mean is that there is a lot of really bad sci-fi out there (or fantasy, or really any genre). I figured that one was pretty evident enough that it didn't need explanation.