Monday, January 21, 2008

Scary Scary

Yesterday and Today I have been packing to go back to school, so I’ve been thinking a lot about my future and what I want to do. If you can’t tell, I want to get into game design. I love video games, I love writing, and I love making things for people to enjoy. I just have one teensy little problem; I have no clue how to operate in the real world. I’ve had two jobs in my life, the first doesn’t count because it was a job in my school’s cafeteria, that could only fire me if I didn’t show up to work. The second of my two jobs was over this last summer, where I worked as an early morning stocker (4am-whenever we finished). Neither of these jobs have required any skills aside from being able to pick up boxes and place them in the appropriate shelves, and I was pretty much guaranteed to get both of these jobs.

Where this becomes a problem is that I’ve been looking at job openings at video game developers, and all of them require experience in the field, which is fine since I can do an internships, but those internships ask for a résumé and demonstrations of my work. Problem number 1, I have no freaking clue how to make a résumé out of my two previous jobs a stock-boy. Problem number 2 is that I don’t have any demonstrations of my work. I have no stories that I wrote that I feel comfortable sending to someone as a demonstration of my skill, and most developers ask for some kind of mod or campaign using something like the warcraft 3 editor or the neverwinter nights editor. I have had a PC for less than six months, during which time I had the hardest semester in my entire academic career. To top everything off, most internships at game developers are for college juniors, and their application deadline is the end of January. In essence, I am fucked.

Nevertheless, I shall attempt to cobble together a résumé, and if I manage to get into an internship program despite my inability to demonstrate my talent, then huzzah, and if not, well then I’ll either try for a quality assurance job over the summer, or if all else fails, I’ll spend the summer working on my portfolio.


-Cory Ragsdale (This Post Was Written On Tuesday 1/15/08)

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