Monday, June 9, 2008

Fire and Freedom

I know I shouldn't be happy about this, but it seems to me that once you're getting burned at a church gathering you know you've become an important medium. I never really understood the idea behind book burnings (or destruction of any medium really). Supposedly it's to get rid of so it doesn't influence youths, but I feel that you'd get a lot more of an impact if you sat down with the kids and talked about what you were originally planning to burn with them. Discussion tends to do a lot more than just outright banning things, and in this case you're only banning what you've collected to burn, there's still plenty of new media coming in to replace it.

In the same vein, how the hell did Jack Thompson, a man who has tried harder than any other in America to restrict video games, get scheduled to be honored at America's Freedom Festival. The man is literally trying to take away freedoms! Have we forgotten what freedom means? Last I checked America was a country founded on the concept of freedom for all, not just what is appropriate according to one man's particular moral values. If the pastor in that first article wants to burn video games, he's free to do so (as long as he purchases them, don't want to deny one man's freedoms with someone else's).

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat watermelon and enjoy the rest of this fine night.

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