Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nerd Time

I got my copy of the Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition core books today and they look good. I took a pretty long look, and about the only complaint I might have is that the character classes might play a bit too similarly for some people's taste. Personally I like the change, it's simpler, more clearly defined, and there's a lot of good design in the new edition. The thing I like most of all is that it's a lot less complicated for new players, which in my eyes is never a bad thing.

I haven't taken a look at D&D Insider, the online computer stuff that has a free trial right now, but will eventually cost a certain amount each month (I think somewhere around 10-15 dollars). I like the idea of a character creator so that everyone at the table has the same view of your character, and I'm really interested in the online tabletop that should allow people to play D&D when they aren't in the same room, or state as the case is with the group I like to play with. The price seems a little steep to me, but I haven't seen it yet, and if enough of my friends get it, then I definitely will.

By the way, I really want a new Disgaea game, I mean c'mon, who doesn't want a game where you can attack people with the moon?

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