Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thank God For GTA (Good design That's Awesome)

First things first, watch this: Bad Design.

This is some of the worst design in a game I have ever seen. On a PC, which the version of Assassin's Creed that the video shows, you want to be able to get in and out of programs at the click of a mouse, and it is an industry standard to have a quit-to-desktop choice from the first time you ask it to quit. This design flaw is pretty bad by itself, but there are other reasons why I find Assassin's Creed a study in bad design.

-Give everyone localized accents except the main character.
-Give your worst voice actor the role of the main character.
-Make your main character an assassin who reveals his secret with five minutes of questioning.
-Make your main character, essentially, emotionless.
-Hide your invisible walls with giant blue clouds that clash horribly with the landscape
-Have a plot that a fifth-grader could have written
-Add a sci-fi twist to that plot that gets revealed in the INTRODUCTION.
-Give players the ability to run up walls, but make it slow and not fun
-Give players the ability to kill anyone, but hurt them for killing most
-Getting hit by a retarded person reveals that you are an assassin
-Running into a wall makes guards attack you
-Use four mission types over and over and over.
-Make a combat-system that doesn't take advantage of the ability to run around like spider-man
-Loading screens every eight seconds.
-Have loading screens for loading screens.

I could go on. Despite all of this, however, Assassin's Creed is pretty fun for a couple of hours, but I'm still glad I didn't buy it myself. What makes Assassin's Creed design hurt me so much, is that all of these things are blatant and easily fixable design flaws (for the most part). Heck, if they got rid the sci-fi twist about half of my complaints would be nullified along with it. Ubisoft had a great premise and I'm excited to see how the sequels turn out.

Also, I've been reading this webcomic all day. I really would love to see more games with the same kind of imagination that this comic has. I take that back, I would really love to see more
people with the same kind of imagination that this comic has.

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