Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Synonym For Maybe?

I think I'm in trouble. I realized today that I don't size up girls in the same fashion as my friends. While I do size-up girls, there's no doubt about that, but all of my friends seem to stop their measuring once they've determined that the girl is a possible and desirable romantic interest. I don't stop there. I test these poor women with every scale in my disposal, and I think I know why. I'm not interested in a romantic tryst, it just seems like a waste of time on everybody's part, and I'm too forward thinking for that.

No, I believe that my problem is that I'm looking for a partner, someone who I could possibly share the rest of my life with, which nobody at my age is interested in. It's a problem on two ends as well, I mean it's a problem in that I evaluate the women I meet as potential partners, and of course very few of them are going to meet that kind of standard on their own, and on the other side of the coin it shoots me in the foot in the dating scene. This "problem" is why I think I got so bored at my last date, we talked and I realized that this girl wasn't what I was looking for in any sort of long-term relationship, so I immediately turned off on her. It's funny, in a time with one-night stands, cheating boyfriends, and divorce at an all-time high, my problem is that I'm too ready to commit.

I'm not entirely sure how to tackle this problem, how to lower my entrance exams if you will. But at least I understand a bit more about myself. Perhaps the key lies in just not caring so much, letting things come as they are and to stop worrying so much. Maybe I just need to stop worrying about girls.


RabidPenguin said...

I wouldn't worry about girls. Worry about assassins. And Dinosaurs.

Anonymous said...

if youve got nothing better to do than whine about your stupid problems youre probably gonna die alone, so dont worry about girls anymore