Sunday, February 3, 2008

What Makes A Man?

As promised I want to talk tonight about a subject that is very relevant to me, and that is what makes a man a man, rather than a boy, child, youth, guy, male representative of the human species. Personally, and I'm open to discussion on this, there is only one thing that separates the boys from the men, and that is the ability, the drive, the "balls" really to step up when the time comes. When your home is under attack, it is the men who "step up" and fight. When your family is hungry, it is the man who "steps up" and does what it takes, be it hunting, stealing, raiding, or perhaps just getting a job, to feed his family. Being a man is not based on what you have accomplished, a five year old boy defending his sister from the school bully is a man. In the end, there are only two things that can keep someone from being a man. A. They're a girl/woman, or B. They don't have the strength/courage/willpower to step up when the time comes. A guy who is afraid of commitment, afraid to get married to someone he loves and who loves him, is not a man.

This is my definition of a man, though there is one problem that I have with it, and that's that there are girls who often step up like this now as well (Though their man or the men around them should have done it first), and I just don't know quite how to describe them, or assign them a title that they deserve. Woman just doesn't quite seem to cut it in my mind, but maybe that's just because I'm a man (sorry, had a talk with a rabid feminist today who made awesome comments like, "Some men will recognize that women are at a disadvantage, but they never acknowledge that men are at an advantage." I mean really, doesn't one imply the other?)

-Cory Ragsdale

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way... you are making her think and that is good. One day the eyes will open and she will realize that being a radical feminist does only one thing... create chaos. No one can be free at the expense of another.